About the Academy
There are lots of great resources on the Web to help you stay educated and in-the-know. Here’s a sampling:

The Academy is a coalition of product safety attorneys working together to make products safer through a unified voice. As legal advocates who see avoidable tragedy every day, the faculty members of the Academy bring invaluable insight and experience to the table, while also being in the unique position to be able to share true stories of victims injured or killed due to defective or unreasonably dangerous products.
Banded together, the Academy’s faculty is able to pool their years of knowledge and resources to more effectively share its collective wisdom and experiences. At the end of the day, it is the hope of the Academy that, by bringing together skilled product safety advocates and consumer protection specialists, it can most effectively educate the public on current safety issues, bring awareness to public dangers or hazards, and advocate for accountability and change to make products and the public safer.